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Topic: Eficienta transportului public si a transportului personal

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Re: Eficienta transportului public si a transportului person Costin

Sorin62 wrote:
În tot acest calcul lipsește necesitatea distanțării sociale care va deveni un element esențial în orice evaluare.

Adica te bazezi pe faptul ca intreaga omenire va fi in carantina sau (auto)izolare pentru totdeauna. Complet fals.


Re: Eficienta transportului public si a transportului person 1689

Sorin62 wrote:
I(nternet) O(f) T(hings) va aborda local problema comunicării între vehicule.




Re: Eficienta transportului public si a transportului person Costin

Aceea e o non-afirmatie, nu spune nimic, iar linkul este catre un furnizor de servicii in cloud (IAAS - Infrastructure as a service) care nu are treaba neaparat cu conceptul IOT - poti sa faci IOT cu Azure sau AWS sau Google (astia ar fi cei mai mari furnizori de IAAS) dar poti sa faci so cu infrastructura clasica cu unul sau mai multe datacenter-uri fizice. Interconectarea vehiculelor poate fi considerata IOT, dar legatura cu Azure e asa, tangentiala, ca si cum as da eu link la site-ul Mercedes atunci cand vorbim in general de vehicule...


Re: Eficienta transportului public si a transportului person ByOnu

Elon Musk’s Boring Co. proposes tunnel to Ontario airport as alternative to light-rail
The project would use Teslas traveling underground from Rancho Cucamonga to ONT

Elon Musk’s The Boring Co. proposes digging a 2.8-mile underground tunnel linking Rancho Cucamonga with Ontario International Airport as an alternative to extending a light-rail system from Pomona, San Bernardino County transportation officials said.

The sub-surface people-mover project would be the first of its kind in San Bernardino County and could replace stalled plans to construct an above-ground extension of the L Line (formerly Gold Line) light-rail that currently ends in Los Angeles County. Other projects on a preliminary list of alternatives to the L Line include a zero-emission train from a Metrolink Station off the San Bernardino Line or a connection from the Riverside Metrolink Line, which has a stop south of Ontario airport.

At $60 million, the proposed tunnel from Rancho to ONT would cost considerably less than the $1- to $1.5-billion light-rail extension from Pomona and could be built in three to four years rather than the 10 years it would take to bring the L Line to the airport, according to the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority.

Musk’s Hawthorne-based company sent an unsolicited proposal to the SBCTA sometime in April or early May, the agency said. In mid-May, the SBCTA Transit Committee warmly embraced the project. The committee also voted unanimously to place a $3 million study of ONT rail access alternatives on hold, so the staff could flesh out Musk’s proposal and move it forward.

The SBCTA governing board will take up the item at its regular meeting June 3, said Otis Greer, spokesman. The committee will hear more details in August or September.

The proposal for ONT, known as a transportation loop, would involve a narrow tunnel that would transport passengers from the San Bernardino Metrolink train line at a new loop station to be built at the Day Creek flood control channel to Terminal 2 at ONT and back.

Passengers would get into modified Tesla Model X electric vehicles that would drop 35 feet underground into the tunnel. Cars at first would be operated by drivers, but plans are to use autonomous vehicles that can travel at more than 100 mph.

The ride would take about two to three minutes, county officials said.

Wolfe said The Boring Co. would operate the system. Other routes could include boring tunnels under either Archibald Avenue or Haven Avenue, he said. “We are exploring other options to give us easy access to the airport property,” he said.

The capacity of a loop system is 4,000 vehicles/hour at 155 mph, according to The Boring Co. website. This is not to be confused with the Hyperloop, also proposed by Musk, that would move people 600 mph in a vacuum-sealed tube.

In May 2019, Musk’s company took passengers in a modified Tesla through the Hawthorne test tunnel at a maximum speed of 127 mph. The test made good on Musk’s promise of being able to go more than 100 mph, after previous failed attempts.

The ONT proposal has been kept from public view. On May 13, Wolfe met with Steve Davis, president of The Boring Co., he told the SBCTA committee. The agency declined to release the proposal to the public because it contains proprietary information, Greer said.

The Boring Co., on the day of the SBCTA commitee meeting, had successfully completed the second of two underground tunnels as part of a $52.5-million people-mover project that would connect exhibit halls at the Las Vegas Convention Center.

In addition, a Dugout Loop project for Los Angeles would move people in a similar underground loop to Dodger Stadium from Los Feliz, East Hollywood or Rampart Village neighborhoods, according to the company’s website. That project is under environmental review, said Carrie Schindler, SBCTA director of transit and rail.

The Boring Co. was introduced to the SBCTA by San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors Chairman Curt Hagman, who explained the concept to SBCTA committee members after he had visited a company test site in Adelanto.

“They are the leading edge in underground technologies. They are very rapid and very inexpensive compared to other routes,” he said. “I think it is very exciting for us.”
“This is a really compelling idea that we need to seriously look at,” Ray Wolfe, SBCTA executive director, said at the May 14 committee meeting, the first time Musk’s ONT tunnel system was publicly discussed.

“I am very confident this is something we should do,” Wolfe told the committee, made up of local mayors.

“I absolutely support this,” said Ontario City Councilman Alan Wapner, a committee member who is president of the Ontario International Airport Authority.

Musk, who founded Tesla, the electric car company, and SpaceX, a private space transport company, has said the best way to fight traffic in Southern California is to build 3-D highways that either involve flying cars or layers of underground tunnels used by electric cars that produce zero emissions. ... light-rail


Re: Eficienta transportului public si a transportului personal ByOnu

Ceva de foarte mult bun simt. Common sense. Poate pentru unii sunt idei noi.


Re: Eficienta transportului public si a transportului personal shoppy

De pe linkedin
1613090864964.jpg (78.23 KB; downloaded 4603 times)


Re: Eficienta transportului public si a transportului personal ByOnu

"The question isn't which types of transportation infrastructure induce demand... it's what type of demand you want to induce."

Induced demand (probably more accurately called induced traffic) is the phenomenon where building or expanding roads and highways doesn't help congestion because it results in more people driving. This is often used as an argument against building the new car infrastructure, but people don't talk often about how induced demand applies to other modes. In this video we explain why induced demand does apply to transit, walking, and cycling infrastructure, but with different consequences.


Re: Eficienta transportului public si a transportului personal subway guru

Am auzit o vorba de duh spusa de un istet ca in vremurile astea de pandemie suntem tentati sa folosim automobilul personal si pe post de masca, si pe post de umbrela, si pe post de orice altceva.
Sa nu-mi spui ca nu e asa!
In Israel nu exista o firma mare de transport pe pneuri gen STB, in schimb e o gasca sindicala cartelizata foarte influenta si puternica de privati detinatori de autobuze ce permanent s-au opus oricarei concurente din partea altor moduri de transport in comun mai eficiente si ecologice, de la tren, light rail, tramvai sau metrou.
Cunosc bine situatia din vremea cand incercam si noi sa patrundem acolo pentru metroul Tel Aviv iar simpatia publicului si autoritatilor pentru noi romanii era foarte mare. Cand sa depunem oferta ne-am trezit ca la prepararea documentelor stam langa americanii de la Parsons Brinkerhof si frantujii de la Systra cu care infiripasem deja ceva contacte si colaborari, mi-au spus direct si cu sinceritate ca ar fi fost incantati sa facem o oferta comuna dar din pacate era mult prea tarziu sa ne refacem toti oferta in asociere, sa o traducem in ebraica si sa avem un acord de asociere legalizat, lucrurile astea trebuiau pregatite din vreme. Evident ca cei doi mari licurici au luat cascavalul iar greierasii de noi ne-am consolat cu faptul ca am reusit totusi sa prezentam o oferta de nivel international, cotata la mica diferenta fata de ei de o autoritate straina nepartinitoare. Asta e daca nu te faci frate cu dreaqul ca sa treci puntea, invatatura de minte, if you can’t beat them, join them…noi facusem aliante doar cu firme evreiesti locale cam lipsite de experienta in domeniul specific. In urma noastra a mai fost o firma sarbeasca dar era clar ca veneau sa se afle in treaba ca sa-i raporteze lui Milosevici ca au incercat si ei fara succes. Cam asa se scrie istoria…


Re: Eficienta transportului public si a transportului personal ByOnu

Sustin! Mi-am schimbat viziunea acum!


Re: Eficienta transportului public si a transportului personal andrei11

N-am înţeles nimic din acest clip, pot spune chiar că m-a iritat.
Dacă ar fi după ei n-ar mai circula niciun autoturism proprietate particulară prin oraş.
Care e diferenţa între  filmuleţele propagandistice comuniste şi  cele capitaliste ? Mai mai să-mi doresc nemărginit să mă deplasez numai cu tramvaie, autobuze, etc.
Filmuleţul face un contraserviciu transportuli public, irită pur şi simplu.
Mai bine explică-ne de ce lumea continuă să se deplaseze cu autoturismul proprietate personală. Nu în Bucureşti, în ţările cu apă caldă 24 h / 24 h.


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