Transportul în lumeAsia


Topic: Uzbekistan

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Uzbekistan Robert24

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Capitala Uzbekistanului renunta la tramvaie

UZBEKISTAN: Primarul capitalei Tașkent, Rakhmonbek Usmonov a anuntat ieri, 29 martie ca reteaua de tramvaie a orasului in lungime totala de 87,8 km va fi desfiintata pana la sfarsitul acestui an. Astfel, in opinia acestuia spatiul castigat va fi utilizat pentru latirea bulevardelor, sperand sa reduca traficul. Traseele deservite de tramvaie vor fi inlocuite treptat de autobuze incepand din 5 aprilie.

In August 2007, operatorul Tashgorpastrans a achizitionat 30 de tramvaie KTM-19 de la fabricantul rus UKVZ, iar in 2011 20 tramvaie Pragoimex Vario LF. Acestea vor fi vandute.

Railway Gazette


Re: Asia Centrala (tarile "STAN") PTMZ

Metrowagonmash, part of Transmashholding and the Tashkent Metro signed a contract for the manufacture and supply of 10 four-car metro trains (40 metro cars) planned to be delivered by the end of this year.

The project is funded by a loan provided by VEB.RF, Russia’s national economic development institution and by EximBank of Russia.

According to the contract, each metro train will consist of two head motor cars, one intermediate motor car and one intermediate non-motorised metro car.

The metro cars of the 81-765.5/766.5/767.5 series are equipped with inter-car passages and have a modular design with a through passage to allow passenger movement without restrictions. The cars will have double-leaf reclining-sliding doors with 1.4 metres wide. They will be equipped with external light signal warning passengers when vehicle door is about to open or close.

The new metro trains are designed to meet the requirements of the passengers with reduced mobility, providing dedicated places for wheelchairs at the head of the carriages.

Each passenger car is equipped with touchscreen information monitors with interactive search capabilities for the destination station, route planning, and travel time calculation.

Each metro car will be fitted with air conditioning and air disinfection systems. The driver’s cabs will be equipped with video surveillance system. The windshield of the driver’s cab will be equipped with an adjustable manual sunscreen, taking into account the peculiarities of the Tashkent Metro considering that some of the metro lines run at the surface.

The trains will be equipped with asynchronous electric traction engines and are designed for a speed of 90 km/h.

The service life of metro cars and bogie frames is designed for 30 years.

Tashkent operates five metro trains of 81-765.5/766.5/767.5 model acquired in 2019. They are similar to the one operating the metro systems in Moscow, Kazan and Baku.

Sursa; Railway Pro


Uzbekistan bgd70

Linia de troleibuz ce deserveste orasele Urgench si Khiva.

Cateva informatii din descrierea clipului:
- este singura linie care mai este in functiune (erau 2 linii cnf. Wikipedia)
- troleibuzele asigura legatura intre cele 2 orase pe o distanta de aproxmativ 35 km
- in 1997 s-a infintat linia de troleibuze care opera doar in orasul Urgench si facea legatura intre aeroport si gara; din 1998 a fost prelungita pana in Khiva
- in 2013 s-au dat in exploatare 9 Skoda 24Tr ce au inlocuit vechile Skoda 14Tr/m
- sunt portiuni din traseu unde se circula cu viteze si de 65 km/h
- programul de funtionare este intre orele 06:00 si 18:00, o semicursa avand durata de 1 ora si jumatate
- nu exista statii fixe (cu exceptia capetelor de linie), se opreste oriunde se face semn


Re: Uzbekistan cris_m

Vazusem mai demult fotografii cu aceste troleibuze si nu intelegeam de ce au perdele la geamuri. Acum ca am aflat durata semi-cursei are sens de ce exista aceasta "dotare"... Interesant ca unele vehicule nu au afisaj electronic sau daca il au este acoperit cu sticker...


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