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Topic: POZE Lucrari - statia Favorit

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  • 133 313
  • Posted:

Re: POZE Lucrari - statia Favorit 133 313

Se contureaza caminul de sub strada Sibiu.
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Avem pietris. Si e uscat.
PICT0057.JPG (180.43 KB; downloaded 7273 times)
Avem si armatura pentru un acces.
PICT0058.JPG (201.66 KB; downloaded 7281 times)


  • 133 313
  • Posted:

Re: POZE Lucrari - statia Favorit 133 313

PICT0054.JPG (158.7 KB; downloaded 6959 times)
PICT0055.JPG (83.71 KB; downloaded 6958 times)
Este piertis pe portiuni mari, dar discontinuu.
PICT0056.JPG (71.5 KB; downloaded 6959 times)
PICT0057.JPG (116.42 KB; downloaded 6957 times)
Astea-s neclintite si au inceput sa rugineasca.
PICT0059.JPG (165.19 KB; downloaded 6960 times)


  • 133 313
  • Posted:

Re: POZE Lucrari - statia Favorit 133 313

Azi. Mai este material de intins.
Canalizarea de la strada Sibiu a mai avansat putin spre destinatie.
PICT0040.JPG (121.35 KB; downloaded 6716 times)
PICT0041.JPG (85.68 KB; downloaded 6714 times)
PICT0042.JPG (80.96 KB; downloaded 6713 times)
Aceeasi armatura pentru un acces.
PICT0043.JPG (106.73 KB; downloaded 6719 times)
PICT0044.JPG (129.43 KB; downloaded 6713 times)
Si o noutate, Casagrande pentru acces.
PICT0045.JPG (119.52 KB; downloaded 6718 times)


  • 133 313
  • Posted:

Re: POZE Lucrari - statia Favorit 133 313

Canalizarea inainteaza foarte iincet.
PICT0049.JPG (129.18 KB; downloaded 6425 times)
PICT0050.JPG (126.58 KB; downloaded 6425 times)
PICT0051.JPG (165.83 KB; downloaded 6427 times)
Avem beton. Partial.
PICT0052.JPG (139.45 KB; downloaded 6426 times)
Foreza a terminat coloanele, ca urmare armatura a disparut complet, dar ploaia a avut grija sa le acopere bine cu noroi, n-am reusit sa zaresc nici un motz.
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Re: POZE Lucrari - statia Favorit Lixandru Dragos-Liviu

Dacă tot am trecut prin cartier, am pozat şi aici  :)
Un „prieten de nădejde“ :). Din ce am numărat, sunt vreo trei pe linia metroului.
DSCN7849.jpg (253.17 KB; downloaded 6147 times)

Imagine de ansamblu cu viitorul sens de mers către cartier.
DSCN7850.jpg (286.79 KB; downloaded 6145 times)


  • 133 313
  • Posted:

Re: POZE Lucrari - statia Favorit 133 313

Azi. Al doilea punct unde se lucreaza.
Ziua portilor deschise.
PICT0055.JPG (85.37 KB; downloaded 5835 times)
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PICT0057.JPG (159.82 KB; downloaded 5835 times)
Spre intersectie s-a acoperit.
PICT0058.JPG (157.11 KB; downloaded 5835 times)
PICT0059.JPG (129.14 KB; downloaded 5832 times)
PICT0060.JPG (114.61 KB; downloaded 5835 times)
La acces se trebuluieste cate ceva.
PICT0062.JPG (202.95 KB; downloaded 5834 times)
Treaba inainteaza mai rapid aici, a se vedea unde a ajuns cabina excavatorului.
PICT0063.JPG (182.97 KB; downloaded 5833 times)
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  • 133 313
  • Posted:

Re: POZE Lucrari - statia Favorit 133 313

Partea 2.
S-au mai adus conducte de termoficare desi cele existente sunt nemiscate.
PICT0065.JPG (111.22 KB; downloaded 5812 times)
PICT0066.JPG (101.8 KB; downloaded 5813 times)
Utilajul de asfaltat. Din pacate de pe partea asta nu prea se vad bordurile.
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Re: POZE Lucrari - statia Favorit t530

Favorit.jpg (976.42 KB; downloaded 5572 times)


  • 133 313
  • Posted:

Re: POZE Lucrari - statia Favorit 133 313

Azi. Aici este noua senzatie a magistralei, asfaltul este complet si gata de marcat.
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Re: POZE Lucrari - statia Favorit t530

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Re: POZE Lucrari - statia Favorit andrei11

La ce trebuie sa ma uit in aceasta poza ? Mi se pare curios numarul masinii rosii.  :idea:


Re: POZE Lucrari - statia Favorit t530

A disparut gardul din plasa si au turnat beton ca sa faca legatura dintre parcare si bulevard.


Re: POZE Lucrari - statia Favorit andrei11

Multumesc, o fi topic de poze dar o scurta explicatie e binevenita. Ca sa stim la ce sa  ne uitam.


  • 133 313
  • Posted:

Re: POZE Lucrari - statia Favorit 133 313

Azi. Stalpii aia s-au incastrat aniseismic, antiatomic si antitanc si in general antiorice. Au la baza niste cuburi de beton demne de Stonehenge.
PICT0036.JPG (80.19 KB; downloaded 4732 times)
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PICT0041.JPG (116.73 KB; downloaded 4733 times)
Foreza este pe coltul cu Sibiu.
PICT0042.JPG (161.16 KB; downloaded 4732 times)
Armatura pentru coloane cat cuprinde.
PICT0044.JPG (190.19 KB; downloaded 4733 times)
PICT0045.JPG (160.8 KB; downloaded 4732 times)
Dupa camion se vad stive de borduri.
PICT0046.JPG (127.85 KB; downloaded 4754 times)
Scuarul catre parcarea cu piatra cubica a primit si borduri.
PICT0047.JPG (116.49 KB; downloaded 4733 times)
Planseul accesului, partial betonat. Se lucra si azi cu un excavator.
PICT0048.JPG (184.35 KB; downloaded 4732 times)
S-a betonat intrarea in Aleea Poiana Sibiului, circulatia este inca restrictionata, pana la asfaltare.
PICT0049.JPG (147.83 KB; downloaded 4732 times)


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