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Topic: POZE Lucrari - Statia Brancusi

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Re: POZE Lucrari - Statia Valea Argesului (Brancusi) Lixandru Dragos-Liviu

Am primit o imagine, din partea unui prieten, astfel:
Imagine din incinta staţiei V. Argeşului, capătul către Râul Doamnei.
V. Argesului.jpg (79.72 KB; downloaded 8280 times)

Este chiar în momentul când cele două TBM-uri au ajuns la PSS.


Re: POZE Lucrari - Statia Valea Argesului (Brancusi) Atal

De astazi.
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  • 133 313
  • Posted:

Re: POZE Lucrari - Statia Valea Argesului (Brancusi) 133 313

De azi.
Au mai disparut din boltari. Mai este un singur inel.
PICT0057.JPG (140.62 KB; downloaded 7325 times)
Lucrari la acces.
PICT0059.JPG (149.75 KB; downloaded 7325 times)
PICT0060.JPG (100.68 KB; downloaded 7325 times)


  • 133 313
  • Posted:

Re: POZE Lucrari - Statia Valea Argesului (Brancusi) 133 313

De azi.
Vertatel lucreaza ceva aici, in stanga statiei iinspre Rau.
PICT0012.JPG (191.13 KB; downloaded 7043 times)
PICT0013.JPG (185.18 KB; downloaded 7044 times)
PICT0014.JPG (229.13 KB; downloaded 7043 times)
Ar putea cineva sa jure ca aici sunt niste coloane forate?
PICT0015.JPG (148.14 KB; downloaded 7082 times)
PICT0016.JPG (149.55 KB; downloaded 7043 times)
Just a friendly reminder.
PICT0017.JPG (109.77 KB; downloaded 7043 times)


  • 133 313
  • Posted:

Re: POZE Lucrari - Statia Valea Argesului (Brancusi) 133 313

De azi.
Un camin de canalizare.
PICT0018.JPG (146.58 KB; downloaded 6783 times)
PICT0019.JPG (134.02 KB; downloaded 6783 times)
PICT0020.JPG (198.11 KB; downloaded 6783 times)
S-a demontat si expulzat un block-start.
PICT0021.JPG (179.42 KB; downloaded 6783 times)
Niste inele busite.
PICT0022.JPG (166.16 KB; downloaded 6782 times)
PICT0023.JPG (159.24 KB; downloaded 6782 times)
Se inchide un gol.
PICT0024.JPG (139.24 KB; downloaded 6783 times)
PICT0025.JPG (135.83 KB; downloaded 6782 times)
Se inchide un al doilea gol.
PICT0026.JPG (148.29 KB; downloaded 6782 times)
PICT0027.JPG (186.6 KB; downloaded 6783 times)


  • 133 313
  • Posted:

Re: POZE Lucrari - Statia Valea Argesului (Brancusi) 133 313

Partea 2.
PICT0028.JPG (166.3 KB; downloaded 6783 times)
PICT0029.JPG (174.11 KB; downloaded 6783 times)


  • 133 313
  • Posted:

Re: POZE Lucrari - Statia Valea Argesului (Brancusi) 133 313

Se intinde mica lucrare de canalizare.
PICT0023.JPG (184.68 KB; downloaded 6580 times)
PICT0024.JPG (135.09 KB; downloaded 6538 times)
PICT0026.JPG (159.33 KB; downloaded 6538 times)
Se pregateste un gol.
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Asta-i gata.
PICT0029.JPG (131.17 KB; downloaded 6539 times)
S-a mai excavat putin.
PICT0030.JPG (183.44 KB; downloaded 6539 times)
PICT0031.JPG (156.49 KB; downloaded 6538 times)
PICT0032.JPG (168.75 KB; downloaded 6538 times)


  • 133 313
  • Posted:

Re: POZE Lucrari - Statia Valea Argesului (Brancusi) 133 313

Canalizarea din capatul dinspre Rau a trecut strada, care momentan este inca inchisa.
PICT0021.JPG (170.12 KB; downloaded 6346 times)
PICT0023.JPG (140.8 KB; downloaded 6347 times)
Gata si cu golul asta.
PICT0024.JPG (151.62 KB; downloaded 6346 times)
PICT0026.JPG (122.04 KB; downloaded 6348 times)
Golul asta deja nu se mai cunoaste ca ar fi existat.
PICT0027.JPG (110.37 KB; downloaded 6347 times)
Accesul dinspre Romancierilor.
PICT0028.JPG (113.85 KB; downloaded 6348 times)
PICT0029.JPG (131.57 KB; downloaded 6347 times)


Re: POZE Lucrari - Statia Valea Argesului (Brancusi) URANUS

O poza si de la mine cu accesul A.
IMG_2015042548911.jpg (84.15 KB; downloaded 6311 times)


  • 133 313
  • Posted:

Re: POZE Lucrari - Statia Valea Argesului (Brancusi) 133 313

Armatura pentru acces inspre Rau.
PICT0016.JPG (117.08 KB; downloaded 6032 times)
PICT0017.JPG (179.15 KB; downloaded 6032 times)
Ocolul pietonal pentru Strada Targu Neamt.
PICT0018.JPG (183.18 KB; downloaded 6032 times)
Fundatura Targ Neamt.
PICT0019.JPG (142.81 KB; downloaded 6035 times)
O foreza.
PICT0020.JPG (211.38 KB; downloaded 6031 times)
PICT0021.JPG (156.22 KB; downloaded 6031 times)
Accesul dinspre Romancierilor.
PICT0022.JPG (173.42 KB; downloaded 6031 times)
PICT0023.JPG (127.94 KB; downloaded 6031 times)
PICT0024.JPG (174.95 KB; downloaded 6031 times)


Re: POZE Lucrari - Statia Valea Argesului (Brancusi) URANUS

S-a armat PS-ul accesului A. Vad ca lucreaza diferit fata de M4 unde au sapat imediat ce au terminat coloanele forate, apoi au turnat radier, casetati si la urma PS.
VA_AA_PS.jpg (93.85 KB; downloaded 5811 times)


  • 133 313
  • Posted:

Re: POZE Lucrari - Statia Valea Argesului (Brancusi) 133 313

Se foreaza coloane la al doilea acces, strada Targu Neamt.
PICT0014.JPG (184.52 KB; downloaded 5587 times)
Practic este prima statie unde s-a inceput un al doilea acces.
PICT0015.JPG (157.61 KB; downloaded 5587 times)
Vertatel a terminat cu noul camin de canalizare de langa blocul din dreapta cum privesti spre bulevard..
PICT0016.JPG (177.2 KB; downloaded 5587 times)
PICT0017.JPG (148.51 KB; downloaded 5587 times)
PICT0018.JPG (159.32 KB; downloaded 5593 times)
Plasa de Buzau. Nu stiu pentru ce.
PICT0019.JPG (161.62 KB; downloaded 5587 times)
Si golul asta este aproape gata.
PICT0020.JPG (159.34 KB; downloaded 5587 times)
Accesul dinspre Romancierilor.
PICT0021.JPG (143.04 KB; downloaded 5587 times)
Acum se vede si unde vine cusca liftului.
PICT0022.JPG (194.57 KB; downloaded 5587 times)
PICT0023.JPG (197.25 KB; downloaded 5586 times)


  • 133 313
  • Posted:

Re: POZE Lucrari - Statia Valea Argesului (Brancusi) 133 313

Mai este de armat la accesul spre Romancierilor.
PICT0092.JPG (120.38 KB; downloaded 5373 times)
PICT0093.JPG (133.53 KB; downloaded 5373 times)
PICT0095.JPG (150.52 KB; downloaded 5372 times)
PICT0096.JPG (184.19 KB; downloaded 5373 times)
Accesul de la Targu Neamt mai asteapta excavarea pana elibereaza Vertatel amplasamentul de utilajele folosite pentru canalizare.
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PICT0101.JPG (125.62 KB; downloaded 5373 times)


  • 133 313
  • Posted:

Re: POZE Lucrari - Statia Valea Argesului (Brancusi) 133 313

Caminul de canalizare la stanga strazii Targu Neamt cum privesti spre bulevard a inceput sa fie armat desi in poza nu se vede. Inca mai sunt 5-6 carcase pentru coloane la acces.
PICT0010.JPG (179.45 KB; downloaded 5138 times)
PICT0011.JPG (123.44 KB; downloaded 5137 times)
La accesul spre Romancierilor nu s-a mai avansat.
PICT0012.JPG (150.73 KB; downloaded 5137 times)


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