Transportul în lumeEuropa


Topic: Finlanda

11 posts, 6130 views
Finlanda Montania

In acelasi timp cu constructia metroului din Dr Taberei/Bucuresti, o alta capitala europeana isi extinde metroul, si anume Helsinki/Espoo (21km si 13 statzii). Un teren total diferit si o tehnologie pe masura (dinamita cat cuprinde). Albumul foto al constructiei:


Re: Finlanda andrei11

Da, ei au beton moka, e din Era Paleozoicului :twisted:


Re: Finlanda drbm
20 octombrie 2017

Škoda Transportation livreaza in Finlanda tramvaie in valoare de 104 milioane euro

Transtech, subsidiara finlandeza a companiei Škoda Transportation, a anuntat detaliile contractului semnat cu Municipalitatea din Tampere. Astfel, contractul prevede achizitionarea a 19 tramvaie ForCity Smart Artic pentru suma de 104 milioane euro. Acordul-cadru include optiunea pentru efectuarea unei comenzi suplimentare, de 46 astfel de tramvaie, acestea urmand a fi livrate in trei transe.

Consiliul local din Tampere a selectat anul trecut compania Transtech ca ofertant preferat pentru un contract de livrare a 15-20 de tramvaie ce vor circula pe prima sectiune a unei noii linii light rail, aceasta urmand a fi data in folosinta in 2021.

Estimata la un cost de 250 milioane euro, prima sectiune a noii linii va avea lungimea de 15 kilometri, cale dubla. Banca Europeana de Investitii (BEI) sustine printr-un imprumut in valoare de 150 milioane euro construirea liniei light rail din orasul finlandez.

Tramvaiele bidirectionale, cu podea 100% joasa si compuse din cate trei garnituri, vor avea o lungime de 37 m, cu o capacitate de a transporta un total de 264 pasageri.  Potrivit contractului, Transtech va asigura timp de zece ani mentenanta tramvaielor, fiind inclusa si optiunea extinderii operatiunii de mentenanta pe inca 30 de ani.

Copyright © 2015 | Club Feroviar


Re: Finlanda Puss in Boots

Tocmai sunt la Helsinki. Superb organizat transportul cu tramvaie. Pe sub geamul de la hotel trec doua linii la intervale mai mult decat dese, tramvaie model vechi dar similare ca organizare cu CH-PPC-urile (au acea sectiune la mijloc coborata). In rest, Skode pe alte linii, multe autobuze, trafic lejer si in centru tramvaie pe destul de multe stradute inguste. Nu vad ca deranjeaza ca in Bucuresti.....le-a inghetat mintea astora, probabil nu gandesc "clar"  :lol:


Re: Finlanda bercenicity ... ement.html
Helsinki and Bombardier agree Variotram settlement

FINLAND: Helsinki transport authority HKL and Bombardier Transportation have reached an agreement which will see the 40 Variotrams withdrawn from service in the Finnish capital by the end of 2018.

The Variotrams were delivered by Adtranz (later Bombardier Transportation) in 1998-2003, but the track profiles and operating conditions on Helsinki’s metre gauge network caused problems for the vehicles.

Modifications to the articulation and bogies were undertaken in 2006-07, since when Bombardier Transportation has been responsible for maintenance of the Variotram fleet under a 35-year contract. However,it has been decided that it is not possible to make the cars fully compatible with the Helsinki network.

The trams are expected to have many years of potential operational life left. Under the agreement signed on November 30, Bombardier Transportation and HKL will co-operate to try to find a new home for them on a network where they would be better suited to the infrastructure.

In July two of the Variotrams were transported to Germany for testing in Mannheim, Heidelberg and Ludwigshafen.

Single tickets will no longer be sold by Helsinki tram drivers with effect from February 1, under a plan to reduce dwell times by up to 17%. Tickets will instead be sold through 385 car parking payment machines, as well as vending machines at stops and through the smart ticketing system Bombardier Transportation has been responsible for maintenance of the Variotrams since 2007.


Re: Finlanda alliens

Poate le ia Astra sa le ruleze in Arad


Re: Finlanda Puss in Boots

Depinde daca sunt ok pentru Arad. Eu am mers cu ele la Helsinki, mi s-au parut ok. Ecartamentul e ok, dar mai departe.... Vad ca stau altii mai bogati la rand... ;) Astra are Imperio  :lol:


Re: Finlanda punmeister

VR Maintenance, a part of Finnish railway state-owned holding VR Group, has obtained a contract to modernise and overhaul 51 trains of Helsinki Metro. The works will start at the end of the year and will be completed by June 2023 when the refurbished trains are scheduled to be entered into service.

The project is valued at around 30 million Euros and includes surface treatment of car bodies, upgrading the passenger information system and modernisation of the passenger compartments. VR Maintenance will retrofit 39 trainsets of the M100 type and 12 trainsets of the M200 type. The refurbishment of the M100 units also includes upgrading of the driver desk. VR Group considers the contract as the strategical.

“This is our first project of such a large scale in the public sector. We have decades of experience in similar overhauls and railroad vehicle alteration projects. The work will be performed in VR-Group’s existing production facilities, which offer excellent conditions for such work,” said CEO of VR Maintenance Kimmo Soini. ... nki-metro/


Re: Finlanda PTMZ

Helsinki a mai comandat 23 de tramvaie Skoda ForCity Smart Artic, totalul acestora ajungând la 122:
Another success of our Škoda Transtech - Finnish member of the Škoda Transportation Group in Finland.🇫🇮 Helsinki City Transport (HKL) has ordered another 23 new trams. These are to be deployed on the newly built Crown Bridges system, which will be open in 2026. A total of 122 ForCity Smart Artic trams with the Škoda logo will be serving in Helsinki.👍 The Artic vehicles are designed for demanding conditions to withstand even unpredictable nordic weather conditions.

Sursa: LinkedIn - Skoda Transportation


Re: Finlanda PTMZ

The first ForCity Smart Artic tram for Raide-Jokeri LRT has arrived in Helsinki from Škoda Transtech Otanmäki plant to the Helsinki City Transport (HLK) Koskela depot.

The tram was delivered by truck-mounted pallet and at the depot, the vehicle is being prepared for commissioning.
helsinki.jpg (132.24 KB; downloaded 2714 times)

The bidirectional ForCity Smart Artic X54 tram will operate the future light rail line in Helsinki metropolitan area. The trams are 34 metres long, and if necessary, they can later be extended by about 10 metres depending on transport demand. The 100% low floor tram will enter tests in the city centre starting this summer. The user experience gained from the prototype tram will be used when finalising the series production solutions. At this point, passengers will also be able to explore the new tram.

The light rail vehicles are designed to be adapted to the tram network of the Finnish capital and will be compatible with the existing Arctic trams operating the central network. They are also environmentally friendly, energy efficient, convertible, barrier-free and easy to maintain.

In 2016, the Helsinki City Transport HKL exercised an option for 20 low-floor trams from Škoda Transportation, Finnish Transtech, for Helsinki city traffic and decided to acquire 29 trams for the new Raide-Jokeri. EUR 150 million was the total value of the contract under which 49 new modern vehicles are to operate the city’s tram network. HKL has also ordered 23 similar trams for the Crown Bridges tram line.

The Raide-Jokeri LRT, connecting Helsinki and Espoo will be 25 km long of which 16 km will be in Helsinki and the remaining 9 km in Espoo. The line will run along the northern edge of Patterimäki, partly going under it through a tunnel. The start of construction in Patterimäki Park has been delayed due to complaints. The Jokeri Light Rail Alliance will commence tree felling and the construction of the tunnel entrance on the eastern side of Patterimäki started in February 2021. The aim is to reduce the risk of further delays and additional costs. The construction of the eastern end of the tunnel will require more work than the western end.

About 44 per cent of the construction work of Jokeri Light Rail has already been completed, and 9,140 metres of tracks are laid.

Jokeri Light Rail will replace trunk bus line 550, which is the busiest bus line in the Helsinki region. The bus line is used by 40,000 passengers per day, and by 2030, Jokeri LRT will transport 91,000 pasengers.

Sursa: Railway Pro


Re: Finlanda macheta218

Helsinki. Linia 8, circulație în condiții de iarnă.


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