Transportul în lumeEuropaOlanda / Nederland


Topic: Eindhoven

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Eindhoven Trole

Eindhoven - Autobuze electrice

În Eindhoven a fost dezvoltat inițial conceptul Phileas, un autobuz hibrid, care utiliza o infrastructură dedicată (BRT), pe care ghidarea, conform plaurilor inițiale, trebuia să se realizeze automat. În fapt, sistemul a avut diferite probleme, iar ghidarea automată nu s-a utilizat niciodată.
Ca parte a obiectivului de a utiliza autobuze cu emisii zero în Olanda, provincia Brabant-Nord a achiziționat un număr de 43 de autobuze electrice VDL Citea SLFA-E181, ce au fost puse în funcțiune în Eindhoven începând cu decembrie 2016.
Notă: autobuzele au fost folosite pentru a culege informații în cadrul proiectului european ZeEUS (Zero Emission Urban Bus System). În cadrul aceluiași proiect s-au derulat în București testele cu autobuzele electrice SOR și BYD.

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Capătul central din fața gării.

În drum spre și dinspre stația de încărcare rapidă, situată în apropierea terminalului central.
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Re: Știri, noutăți, perspective PTMZ

The Dutch transport company Hermes has ordered 32 electric buses from VDL Bus & Coach, which will be in operation in Eindhoven from January 2022. The completion of the deliveries is planned for the end of the first quarter of 2022.

According to VDL, this is the first order for the new Citea generation, which is based on a complete electric platform. The 32 LF-122 city buses ordered by Hermes are 12.2 metres long. There will be four lengths in total.

In the new electric platform, the batteries are no longer mounted on the roof but integrated into the floor. The company does not mention the energy content of the battery, nor does it give any information on the range. However, the new design should create more space for passengers. The 12.2-metre version should be able to transport up to 110 people.

The new generation is not only distinguished by the installation position of the battery. VDL claims to have developed a continuous composite side wall in one piece for the electric city buses. This is intended to reduce vibrations and noise and thus lead to greater comfort. Since the composite side wall also insulates better, heating and cooling requirements are said to be reduced. It is also 15 per cent lighter, which should further reduce energy consumption.

In addition to a particularly ergonomic driver’s workplace, the new Citeas are to have a so-called “Brainport” package as an option. This includes several assistants such as Foreward Collision Warning and Blind Spot Detection. According to the announcement, launch customer Hermes has opted for this package.

“Hermes stuck its neck out four years ago to start what was then Europe’s largest electric bus fleet in Eindhoven,” says VDL CEO Willem van der Leegte. “The fact that Hermes is now taking the next step by ordering 32 new generation Citeas for Eindhoven from VDL is an example of their vision to electrify public transport in the region. We are therefore proud of this longstanding strength through cooperation in Eindhoven, the home base of VDL.”



Eindhoven WT_fan06

O privire de ansamblu asupra terminalului de autobuze din fața gării centrale (Eindhoven Centraal).

De la stânga la dreapta avem următoarele modele de autobuze: 2 x VDL Citea LF-122 (fab. 2023), Volvo B8RLE 8900LE (fab. 2012-2020), VDL Citea SLFA-181 Electric (fab. 2016), VDL Citea LF-122, VDL Citea SLFA-181 Electric.
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