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Topic: Belarus

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Belarus cris_m

Metroul din Minsk

Asemenea altor republici socialiste, autoritățile de la Minsk au început să ia în considerare soluția metroului ca mijloc rapid de transport, undeva la sfârșitul anilor 1960, ca urmare a depășirii pragului de 1 milion de locuitori în capitala Republicii Socialiste Sovietice Belarus. Construcția efectivă debutează la 3 mai 1977 și se întinde pe mai bine de 7 ani, până la 30 iunie 1984 când este ianugurată prima linie, devenind astfel al 9-lea stat sovietic cu metrouMai. Anii au trecut, iar rețeaua a continuat să crească chiar și în perioada dificilă de tranziție a anilor 1990, astăzi rețeaua însumând 2 magistrale, 33 km de linii și 29 de stații.

Spre deosebire de alte rețele de metrou din fostul URSS, în Minsk stațiile sunt destul de aproape de suprafață, orașul fiind la câmpie și beneficiind de un sol destul de uscat și puțin casant. Stațiile în general respectă tiparul sovietic, însă se observă din ce în ce mai mult afinitatea pentru finisaje mai moderne. Trenurile folosite sunt cele produse la Metrovagonmash Moscova, cu foarte mici modernizări: afișaje digitale tip LED la exterior pentru afișarea numărului de parc și la interior pentru afișarea stației. Nu știu însă dacă au fost sau nu fiabilizate alte componente, așa cum s-a întâmplat de exemplu cu ramele din Praga...

Ca planuri de viitor, autoritățile pregătesc în perioada următoare deschiderea celei de-a treia magistrale, planificată încă din 2011 și începută abia în 2013, însă rămâne de văzut dacă acest lucru se va întampla sau nu. De asemenea, se are în vedere și o a 4-a magistrală, cu toate că orașul nu este foarte întins, iar populația nu depășește 1,5 milioane...

Mai multe informații puteți citi pe Wikipedia.

În continuare, vă propun un film actual, din martie 2020 cu rețeaua de metrou din Minsk:


Re: Belarus punmeister

cris_m wrote:
Nu știu însă dacă au fost sau nu fiabilizate alte componente, așa cum s-a întâmplat de exemplu cu ramele din Praga...

La Praga a fost vorba de o modernizare cap-coada facuta de Skoda, nu doar de o fiabilizare.
Si pentru ca tot se vorbea despre trenuri, in curand ar trebui sa intre in exploatare primele rame Stadler M110 fabricate in uzina locala.


Re: Belarus PTMZ

Apropo de noile metrouri de la Stadler, testele cu pasageri au început în februarie. Iată un articol pe această temă:
First passengers tested new Stadler train of Minsk metro. Such trains will run on the third metro line this summer. However, one already has an opportunity to catch a train on Aŭtazavodskaja line.

On 4 February, first passengers boarded the new train at 10.11 pm at Mahiloŭskaja station. The new train ran twice from Mahiloŭskaja to Kamennaja Horka stations and back.

A test-drive was to provide extra practice for drivers. The train’s schedule is yet unknown, however, one thing is clear – there is no way one catches it in rush hour. At least, so far.
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"Dear passengers, an electric four-car train is arriving. Please be careful!”

The train has just four cars – it is shorter than Minskers are used to see, this is why they are warned about its length over P.A. Six four-car and four five-car trains will appear by the 2020 year-end.
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First impressions
“The train looks pretty cool in comparison with the old soviet ones”, say Kostya and Andrew. They are already charging their phones – there are special ports for charging.

One of the boys adds: “My phone was charged from 16 to 44 per cent on the way from Mahiloŭskaja to Pralietarskaja station. It is very fast!”.
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Many note that the new train feels cramped, although there is actually more open space than in old trains – passengers can move freely from one carriage to another inside the train.

“It’s good that there are extra handrails in the centre of the entrance area– more people will be able to hold on to them. On the other hand, people may hit their foreheads since we are not used to it,” says Eleanor.
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“The train is actually less noisy. It was noticeable when it arrived at the station.” She also notes that the way the train looks does not affect its driving performance and user-friendliness.

Andrew, Eleanor’s son, agrees with her: “It’s a lot quieter here. I often use headphones when in metro and old trains were louder than the music. Now it is much better.”

On the way back Eleonora and Andrew note that two-passenger seats have little space for two people. Kostya and Andrew also mentioned this problem.

However, Stadler representatives say that the seats in the new trains meet the standards where the width of one seat is 450 millimetres.
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The new train has a pass-through between the cars, zones for people with reduced mobility at both ends of the new train, air conditioning systems, and phone charging stations.

The area for wheelchairs is near the entrance door and is equipped with a locking panel and additional folding seats. New trains will be used on the operating and future metro lines with the prospect of gradual replacement of the current fleet.


Re: Belarus PTMZ

Pe data de 6 noiembrie, a fost inaugurată linia 3 de metrou din Minsk:
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BELARUS: The third metro line in Minsk was officially inaugurated with a ceremony at Kaval’skaya Slabada station on November 6. Passenger services were due to start at 12.30 the following day.
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The opening had originally been scheduled for August 9, but was postponed as a result of the protests arising from the disputed election.

The first phase of the Zelenoluzhskaya line starts at Kaval’skaya Slabada in the south and runs 3·5 km to Vakzal’naya, Ploshcha Francіshka Bagushevіcha and Yubіleynaya Ploshcha,

Vakzal’naja provides an interchange with Line 1, while Yubіleynaya Ploshcha has an interchange with Line 2 as well as an 840 m connecting tunnel between the lines.
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Line 3 was approved in September 2013 and construction began in February 2014.

Construction of an eastern extension to Kaval’skaya Slabada and Sluckі Gascіnec began in 2018, with opening planned for late 2023.
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A northern extension from Yubіleynaya Ploshcha to Lagoyskaya is proposed, with construction planned to start in 2023-24 for opening in 2026-28. This would take the line to 17·2 km and 14 stations.

The line is operated using four five-car Stadler M110 trainsets ordered in January 2017. These are allocated to the Magіlyoyskae depot on Line 2, along with six four-car sets, pending completion of Line 3’s future Slutskoye depot.

Sursa: Railway Gazette


Re: Belarus PTMZ

Since the beginning of the year, Minsk Transport Department has renewed its fleet with MAZ buses with Euro-5 engines. One of them is an experimental model with built-in antibacterial air purifier. The newly acquired electric buses of an improved design will run along the routes of the capital. Passengers can use air conditioning and seats for people with limited mobility. During the trip, you can also charge your gadgets (there are USB sockets).

The main suppliers of modern passenger transport are Minsk Automobile Plant and Belkommunmash. This year Minsk Transport Department will get 75 new trolleybuses and about 300 new buses.

Sursa: TVR


Re: Belarus cris_m

Euro 5?! Nu le place ultima norma de poluare? :)


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