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Topic: Tramvaie

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Re: Elvetia - Zürich Robert24

Vagoanele 3062 - 3079 sunt operate impreuna cu Verkehrsbetriebe Glattal AG (VBG)

Acestea au schema de vopsire in contrast cu celelalte tramvaie din Zürich, si se regasesc in liniile care ajung la Aeroportul Kloten (liniile 10 si 12). In 2010, linia 12 era in lucru, de accea o parte circulau in linia 2011.

3063 (foto 2010)
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3066 (foto 2010)
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3073 (foto 2010)
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3075 (foto 2010)
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3078 (foto 2010)
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Re: Elvetia - Zürich Robert24

Interior vagon 3047
Z_3047_7_10_in.jpg (350.17 KB; downloaded 4427 times)


Re: Elvetia - Zürich Robert24

In 2010 am prins ultimile saptamani de circulatie a vagoanelor Be 4/6 Mirage:
Z_1681_2_10.jpg (348 KB; downloaded 4166 times)


Re: Elvetia - Zürich bercenicity

Tramvai pe pasaj in stil elvetian. Statia de pe mijloc, unde opresc si troleibuzele, face legatura cu statia de trenuri suburbane

P.S. Nici la ei nu sunt drepte fix balustradele :)


Re: Elvetia - transport public Goldmund

Orasul Zürich este vestit pentru transportul in comun redutabil, dar mai ales e renumit pt. liniile de tramvai. Chiar in centrul orasului Zürich  exista mai multe linii care se unesc acolo si care in cinci(5) saptamani(ziua de lucru de 24 de ore!) a fost total refacute, s-au lungit peroanele pentru tramvaie mai lungi de 37m(cat au  avut pana acum, lungimea unui tram. "Cobra" ;acest oras de 400mii loc. are mare nevoie de tramvaie mai lungi decat 37 m si deja au si vor mai cumpăra tramvaie mai lungi de 37m., iar Bucuresti, oras cu 2 milioane loc. abia acum comanda tram. de  doar 18m lungime....)...
Filmarile sunt graitoare pt. tehnica si cum au lucrat zi si noapte cinci saptamani:


Re: Elvetia - transport public Puss in Boots

Bucurestiul ia tramvaie de 36. Cea cu 18 e o licitatie adiacenta (careia eu unul nu-i vad rostul in formula actuala de 18m cand necesarul de tramvaie lungi e mai mare) dar nicidecum cea principala. Nu in opinia mea cel putin. End off-topic


Re: Zürich - Tramvaie PTMZ

Cei din Zürich au introdus în circulație joi primul tramvai Bombardier Flexity 2, de 43m lungime. În total, comanda este de 70 de tramvaie:
SWITZERLAND: Zürich’s first Flexity 2 tram entered revenue service on October 15, ahead of widespread deployment on Route 11 from October 19 and later on Route 4. Operator VBZ ordered 70 Flexity 2 trams from Bombardier Transportation in May 2016 at a cost of SFr358m including spare parts, depot equipment and driver training.

Sursa: News Break

Și câteva fotografii de când a sosit (noiembrie 2019), de remarcat că au cerut scaune din lemn:
Fahrzeug_aussen_Türseite_1-656x337.jpg (49.48 KB; downloaded 1932 times)
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Transport_Abladen-1024x683.jpg (160.46 KB; downloaded 1918 times)
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Schrimhalter-683x1024.jpg (62.64 KB; downloaded 1918 times)

Sursa foto: Urban Transport Magazine


Re: Zürich - Tramvaie PTMZ

Pe langa cele 70 de tramvaie din comanda initiala, Bombardier a mai primit o comanda pentru alte 40 de tramvaie Flexity:
Bombardier Transportation has been awarded a contract to deliver an additional 40 FLEXITY low-floor trams for Swiss public transport operator Verkehrsbetriebe Zürich (VBZ).

The $194m order follows the exercising of an option by the operator under a contract awarded to Bombardier in March 2017. The option allows VBZ to acquire an additional 70 FLEXITY trams.

VBZ director Dr Guido Schoch said: “I am very pleased that we can now order an additional 40 FLEXITY trams for Zurich as the need for public transport will continue to grow as the population increases.

“More than 50% of Zurich’s citizens do not own a car, so in order to maintain this high proportion, the public transport offer must be attractive to our customers and the new FLEXITY trams contribute significantly to this.”

With the latest contract, the number of FLEXITY Zurich trams that have been ordered increases to 110.

In November 2019, the first FLEXITY tram of VBZ’s new fleet was sent to Switzerland for assessments on the Zurich network.

In October, the tram commenced its passenger services.

Bombardier Transportation Switzerland managing director Stéphane Wettstein said: “These beautifully designed, state-of-the-art innovative low-floor trams meet the highest standards in terms of safety, environmental compatibility, energy consumption, accessibility, vibration and noise emissions, and they will provide safe and comfortable transportation for Zurich’s growing population for years to come.”

Sursa: Railway Technology


Re: Tramvaie Robert

Cu 110 tramvaie Bombardier, în Zurich se mai pot vedea la traseu multe tramvaie vechi. Câteva surprinse de mine în vara lui 2023. Nu mai are rost să menționez că toate sunt impecabile, nu sună, nu troncăne :)
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