Transportul în lumeEuropaCehia / Česká republika


Topic: Plzen

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Plzen punmeister

BEI finanteaza modernizarea flotei de tramvaie si troleibuze din Plzen prin acordarea unui imprumut de 50 milioane de euro, cu care PMDP va achizitiona 34 de tramvaie noi, 34 de troleibuze noi, si vor moderniza depoul Slovany.
The European Investment Bank (EIB) is lending EUR 50m (some CZK 1.25bn) to Plzeňské městké dopravní podniky (PMDP), a public transport provider in the Czech city of Plzeň. The loan will help implement Plzeň’s sustainable transport strategy, which aims to improve urban public transport while minimising the negative impact of transport on the environment and on urban life.

The financing will enable the purchase of some 34 trams and approximately 34 trolley buses to replace existing vehicles. The project also involves the reconstruction of depot facilities and the modernisation of the power supply infrastructure. ... y-of-plzen


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