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Topic: Moscova

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Re: Rusia - Moscova micutzu

Astea sunt mai urate decat Bozankaya.


Re: Rusia - Moscova bercenicity

Harta geografica, detaliata, cu toate liniile de transport public din Moscova (peste 1000 de linii) - PDF 31 MB


Re: Rusia - Moscova punmeister

Moscow ends trolleybus operation[/b:1tm453v2]

RUSSIA: Moscow’s last six trolleybus services have ended, with five routes switching to diesel operation on August 25 and one route to battery buses.

The city’s first trolleybus ran in November 1933, with the system reaching 80 routes totalling 1 300 km operated by 1 700 vehicles at its peak. The system remained the largest in the world until 2015, but it has been in steady retrenchment since 2014.

The majority of the former trolleybus services are now operated with diesel buses, with more than 8 000 serving more than 950 routes. However, the city expects to increase its electric bus fleet from 342 to 600 by the end of 2020 and to 2 600 in 2024.

Some historic trolleybuses will be used to take visitors to an urban transport museum which is under construction in the northeast of the city.[/quote:1tm453v2]


Re: Rusia - Moscova Puss in Boots

Autobuzele electrice n-au niciodata cum sa fie mai fiabile ca un troleibuz.
Asta e, desfiintarile se practica in zona asta a Europei, incepand de la noi inspre Est.


Re: Rusia - Moscova WAYNEN

Începând de marți,25 august 2020,nu mai circulă niciun troleibuz în Moscova.Acest mijloc de transport a fost desființat din capitala Rusiei.Ultimele 6 linii de troleibuz rămase(28,59,60,64,72 și M4) au fost înlocuite în felul următor:Liniile 28,59,60,64 și 72 în linii de autobuz diesel T28,T59,T60,T64 și T72,iar linia M4 în linie de autobuz electric cu același indicativ.Traseele liniilor T28,T60,T64 și T72 au rămas neschimbate,linia T59 a fost prelungită,iar linia M4 scurtată.
Linkul cu știrea: ... utov-22/
Uitați-vă la traseul liniei de autobuz T59  :popa:

Atașez poze din ultima zi de circulație a troleibuzelor din Moscova  :cry:
Last day of trolleybus 28 in Moscow 1.jpg (451.64 KB; downloaded 3503 times)

Last day of trolleybus 28 in Moscow 2.jpg (429.66 KB; downloaded 3503 times)

Last day of trolleybus 59 in Moscow 1.jpg (469.32 KB; downloaded 3504 times)

Last day of trolleybus 60 in Moscow 1.jpg (362.87 KB; downloaded 3500 times)

Last day of trolleybus 60 in Moscow 2.jpg (383.53 KB; downloaded 3499 times)

Last day of trolleybus 72 in Moscow 1.jpg (421.4 KB; downloaded 3501 times)

Last day of trolleybus 72 in Moscow 2.jpg (427 KB; downloaded 3502 times)

Last day of trolleybus 72 in Moscow 3.jpg (727.07 KB; downloaded 3501 times)


Re: Rusia - Moscova WAYNEN

Continui cu pozele din ultima zi de circulație a troleibuzelor din Moscova  :cry:
Last day of trolleybus M4 in Moscow 1.jpg (525.81 KB; downloaded 3486 times)

Last day of trolleybus M4 in Moscow 2.jpg (454.49 KB; downloaded 3486 times)

Last day of trolleybus M4 in Moscow 3.jpg (379.7 KB; downloaded 3489 times)

Last day of trolleybus M4 in Moscow 4.jpg (456.9 KB; downloaded 3490 times)

Liniile 28,60,72 și M4,care în mod normal aparțineau de depoul 8,s-au retras în acea ultimă seară la depoul 7 care a fost închis în anul 2017.
Last day of Moscow trolleybuses 1.jpg (493.2 KB; downloaded 3485 times)

Last day of Moscow trolleybuses 2.jpg (479.92 KB; downloaded 3488 times)

Last day of Moscow trolleybuses 3.jpg (478.96 KB; downloaded 3487 times)

Last day of Moscow trolleybuses 4.jpg (428.53 KB; downloaded 3503 times)

Închei această postare cu ultimele două poze cu ultimul troleibuz de pe linia 64 care se retrage spre depou și cu ultimul troleibuz de pe linia M4 care a ajuns la depou,fiind totodată și ultimul vehicul din oraș care ajunge la depou.
The last trolleybus on route 64 in Moscow 2.jpg (1.61 MB; downloaded 3488 times)

The last trolleybus on route M4 in Moscow 1.jpg (448.71 KB; downloaded 3489 times)

Până la finalul anului,se va demonta toată infrastructura de troleibuz din oraș,cu excepția unei zonei unde vor circula troleibuzele de muzeu.  
Păcat că acest mijloc de transport nepoluant a fost eliminat din capitala Rusiei iar principalul vinovat este primarul orașului,Sergey Sobyanin.


Re: Rusia - Moscova cris_m

Si mai ales pacat ca scot troleibuze relativ noi...


Re: Rusia - Moscova PTMZ

Așa e, păcat de ele. Partea bună este că toate troleibuzele retrase din circulație vor fi redistribuite în alte orașe din țară:
Toate troleibuzele scoase de pe linii urmează a fi împărțite în regiunile ţării unde se mai foloseşte astfel de tip de transport şi unde este nevoie.



Rusia - Moscova Andrei Andraș

Ar fi fost util și corect să menționezi și site-ul de unde ai preluat fotografiile:


Re: Rusia - Moscova CiprianTRB

It doesn't work! Electric buses in Moscow massively stopped due to the onset of cold weather

Despite the triumphant reports that electric buses have successfully replaced the good old trolleybuses, this is absolutely not the case.
Novye Izvestia devoted more space to the problem of electric buses than all other Russian media combined, analyzing it thoroughly and convincingly. And in almost every article, the thought that changing trolleybuses to electric buses was far from always justified was a red thread. However, it did not help, the last trolleybus passed through Moscow at the end of August, and with the electric buses exactly what the newspaper has written about is happening.The post of the popular blogger Georgy Krasnikov is another proof of this: as soon as the cold came, the batteries of the vaunted domestic electric buses were massively denied, and Muscovites now have nothing to get to work. And this is even during a pandemic, when people take to the streets very rarely, and what would have happened if quarantine had not been introduced - it's even scary to imagine!

But Sobyanin and Liksutova warned repeatedly that their vaunted electric buses are an absolutely raw thing, not brought to a normal state, that it needs to be run in at short distances, improve, eliminate shortcomings ... But no, the ambitions and stubbornness of the bosses are stronger than anything mind! The most important thing for them was to destroy the hated trolleybuses!

But two-thirds of the "horned" ones were replaced not by electric buses, but by smelly diesel buses...

Now it turns out that in the cold the batteries do not hold a charge from the notion “at all”.And it is in vain that the Liksutov office of Deptrans refutes the obvious facts in its telegram channel: this is not a "short-term technical failure" at all, but an ongoing catastrophe. First, the electric buses froze on Prospekt Budyonny, then under the Krestovsky bridge, and now at the terminal station of the Ozernaya metro station - routes M4 and M17. Passengers freeze at stops and rejoice at innovative technologies.To all the objections that trolleybuses also got stuck in traffic jams, because they could not go around the accident sites, there is a very good St. Petersburg experience when autonomous engines were simply put on the "horned" ones so that they could bypass accidents or de-energized sections.

But goodwill was needed for this ... No, in Moscow, instead of spending 18 million rubles apiece on the modernization of trolleybuses, they preferred to throw 56 million rubles away for breaking and freezing electric junk.


Re: Rusia - Moscova cris_m

Țeapa cum s-ar spune. Sunt curios ce fac in situatia asta: scot diesele (daca mai au) sau baga din troleibuze inapoi? Ca lipsa ture nu cred ca lasa...


Rusia - Moscova Andrei Andraș

În limita parcului de vehicule disponibil s-au băgat autobuze diesel. Unde nu s-a putut, călătorii au stat în stații. Rețeaua de troleibuz a fost dată jos și troleibuzele vândute, nu mai pot fi luate în calcul în situația asta.


Re: Rusia - Moscova PTMZ

Să vedem și niște vești despre tramvaie:
1. Tramvaiul din Moscova a câștigat un premiu la Global Light Rail Awards, mai exact cel de sistem cu cea mai mare dezvoltare. De asemenea, până în 2024 se dorește înlocuirea integrală a parcului vechi de tramvaie:
Moscow Tram was the winner of the Global Light Rail Awards in the category "Most developing system." The award is presented annually to the best tram systems in the world. For the capital tram this is the first victory of this level. Moscow's tram competed with Spanish, Swiss, Dutch and others.
"Congratulations on the victory of all those who work in the Moscow tram system! Moscow tram began to carry Muscovites at the end of the last century, but it continues to develop. It's one of the symbols of the city. And the second after Mosmetro transport by carrying capacity. In addition, very technological - roomy, eco-friendly, reliable. We plan that by 2024 the tram fleet will consist of 100 percent new cars," said Maxim Liksutov,Deputy Mayor of Moscow, head of the city's Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure Development.
The jury noted comfortable and modern cars, work on the distance of roads, replacement of stops for convenient, use of modern and environmental technologies (eco-spals, traffic lights priority), as well as the preservation of traditions - annual parades of trams, which gather about 250,000 people.
The capital has almost 420 kilometers of tram tracks. There are 40 trams running on them. Before the pandemic, 700,000 passengers used this mode of transport every day.

In Moscow, 70 percent of the tram fleet has been upgraded in the last 10 years. Now there are 450 modern trams, 375 of them - the compositions of "Vityaz-Moscow" with a smooth and silent course. In 2021, 109 more tramsof the new generation will be available on the city routes, and in 2023 only the next generation of transport will be available on the lines.

Sursa: Mosgortrans

2. Au început lucrările de reabilitare a Depoului Apakova, cel mai vechi din Moscova:
Repairs of the depot by P.L. Apakov, who turned 110 last year, began. It was last repaired in the early 1960s. Before the reconstruction, more than 100 cars came here every evening, which need to be washed, left for the night and maintenance. Every day they were used by 72,000 passengers.

In 2023, all routes in Moscow will include modern trams - single-section and three-section. Now three-section cars and even some single-section cars can not enter the depot. During the repair, we will expand the road, make new ways with the care of nature from recycled materials: plastic bottles, containers and other waste. We will put new machines for the chime of the tram wheels (so the transport is quieter and with less vibration) and replace all cable lines. In short, it will be the most modern tram depot.

Apakova's depot is the only dead-end in Moscow. Transport during maintenance and washing does not move in a circle, and comes to a dead end. After the reconstruction we will do as on the conveyor - due to optimal routing, the process of washing will accelerate in half. Such a system is not only faster, but also more environmentally friendly - we will put in the depot new equipment that cleans the water and uses it again.

Sursa: Mosgortrans


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