Transportul în lumeAustralia şi OceaniaSydney


Topic: Metroul

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In afara de trenurile urbane si suburbane si de sistemele de tramvaie tip "Light rail", in Australia exista un singur sistem de metrou (in adevaratul inteles al cuvantului) functionabil in prezent, in orasul Sydney (cel mai mare oras din Australia, cu o populatie de cca 4.200.000 locuitori.

Propuneri pentru realizarea unui sistem de metrou in Sydney au aparut din 2001.

La 26 mai 2019 acesta este inaugurat.

Lungimea traseului este de 36 km (in constructie fiind alti 30 km), numarul de statii este de 13 (alte 18 statii fiind in constructie), iar linia este partial in subteran si partial pe estacada.

Traseul existent este: Chatswood- Epping- Tallawong, iar traseul in constructie este: Bankstown- Sydenham- Sydney Central - Barangaroo- Chatswood.

Sistemul este deservit de un numar de 22 de trenuri electrice de metrou tip "Alstom-Metropolis", fiecare tren de metrou avand cate 6 vagoane.

Viteza maxima este de 100 km/h, ecartamentul este cel normal iar alimentarea cu energie electrica se realizeaza la 1500 Vcc.

Sursa informatiilor este Wikipedia ("Sydney Metro").


Re: Sisteme de metrou din Australia PTMZ

A început montarea șinelor în cadrul lucrărilor de extindere a liniei de metrou din Sidney, de la Chatswood la Sydenham:
TRACKLAYING is underway on Sydney Metro’s 31km City & Southwest project at Chatswood following the completion of tunnelling for the project, which runs beneath Sydney harbour, in May 2020.

Sydney Metro says that over the coming months 62km of steel weighing more than 4000 tonnes will be used to lay track in the dual bore tunnels which run from Chatswood to Sydenham. The rail steel has been distributed through the tunnels using custom-designed excavators which can turn 360 degrees within the tunnels.

The line’s contractor, Systems Connect, is delivering the track work as well as expanding the Sydney Metro Trains facility at Rouse Hill, building a new facility at Marrickville and installing power systems for the new network.

The 30km Sydney City & Southwest is effectively an extension of the 23km Metro Northwest line, which opened in May 2019. It is scheduled to open in 2024 and as well as the new line in tunnels, will run use the existing 13km Sydney Trains T3 alignment from Sydenham to Bankstown, which will be upgraded for metro operation.

Sursa: International Rail Journal


Re: Sisteme de metrou din Australia PTMZ

The Sydney Metro West project has received two major planning approvals in readiness for the tunnel boring machines to start working by the end of 2022.

The planning approvals for the project are being done in stages because of the project size.

Firstly, the Sydney Metro West Project Concept has received planning approval from Westmead to Sydney’s central business district and for the station excavation and tunnelling between Westmead and The Bays.

Secondly, Sydney Metro has received planning approval for two planned precast facilities at Eastern Creek, which are to contribute to the construction of Sydney Metro West. The two facilities will manufacture 148,000 precast concrete segments for the 24km twin tunnels between Westmead and Sydney CBD. Once built, it is estimated that it will take passengers 20 minutes to travel from Parramatta to Sydney CBD.

Thanks to this metro project, some Sydney suburbs are getting their first-ever rail connections. Stations have been confirmed at Westmead, Parramatta, Sydney Olympic Park, North Strathfield, Burwood North, Five Dock, The Bays, Pyrmont and Sydney CBD.

Future planning stages are required for major civil construction works such as station excavation and tunnelling between The Bays and Sydney CBD, for tunnel fitout, station building and operation of the line between Westmead and the central business district.

Construction on the Sydney Metro West project started in late 2020. The first tunnelling contracts are likely to be issued in mid-2021.

Sursa: Railway News


Re: Sisteme de metrou din Australia PTMZ

The joint venture of Systra and KBR has been awarded an independent certification services contract for the Sydney Metro West project.

As part of this package, the joint venture will independently certify several work packages, including tunnelling, stations, integrated station development, line wide systems, trains, control systems, maintenance and operations through design, construction, and completion.

The Systra – KBR team draws on the individual company experience in delivering design and IC services on Sydney Metro Northwest and Sydney Metro City & Southwest. The joint venture will perform the independent certification services’ role through an independent lens while contributing to the solution that will deliver substantial transport, employment and housing benefits for the Sydney community.

Systra Australia was also named the winner of the independent certification services for Sydney Metro Northwest and the Sydney Metro City & Southwest projects.

The Sydney Metro West underground railway will connect Greater Parramatta and the Sydney CBD.

The metro connection will be 24 km – long served by nine new stations confirmed at Westmead, Parramatta, Sydney Olympic Park, North Strathfield, Burwood North, Five Dock, The Bays, Pyrmont and Hunter Street in the Sydney CBD.

In 2021, Bechtel was named the integration and delivery partner for the project. In July, the government of New South Wales awarded Acciona Construction Australia – Ferrovial Construction Australia joint venture a AUD 1.96 billion (USD 1.4 billion) contract to perform tunnelling works for 11 km twin tunnel and excavation and civil works for five new stations.

The construction works started on the Sydney Metro West in 2020 and the new connection is expected to enter passenger transport services in 2030.

When completed, the new railway line will transform the Sydney’s transport system, doubling the rail capacity between the two CBDs, linking new communities to rail services and supporting employment growth and housing supply. The project is expected to create about 10,000 direct and 70,000 indirect jobs during construction.

Sursa: Railway PRO


Re: Sydney - metrou WT_fan06

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